Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Lesson 9. Gender and Popular Culture

The media focuses on the norm and mirrors expected behaviors and ideals set by society. Even though society is more than just black and white, the perception given off is just that. There are the few people that break the stereotypes and remain to be the outlier or special circumstance. Hopefully, through the images, displayed I am able to communicate effectively what those are.

1. Heteronormative is the assumption that people are heterosexual unless given indicators they're not. To see this individual you would consider him to be heterosexual because he depicts the masculine norm which is a strong, muscular, and protector. However; if you saw him holding hands with a man or showed physical affection with another, this would be the indicator that he was homosexual. This would be a case of heteronormative.

2. Sexual minorities are those with the sexual preference or orientation that differs from the majority of  the society such as gay, lesbian and transgendered. 

3. Downward mobility is the way society moves people, social group and class from one social status to a lower social status. For example, This picture symbolizes downward mobility because society views the older generation as the generation of the past. We sometimes tend to disregard the older generation because of their knowledge based on previous information and not relevant information; therefore, we place them in lower social class.

4. Intersectionality is not just male or female but intersects with other identities such as background, heritage, religious beliefs and other qualities that make one unique. Take, for instance, this picture that was taken outside a store window. We immediately see two caucasian girls and assume they come from privileged homes; however, we don't know the girl's story. We can assume that they might have an easy life with two parents in the home and live in a big white house. But what if I told you they have had quite the struggle trying to make it in the modeling industry. They might have come from broken homes that may have been abusive. They might be in a relationship together or with the opposite sex. They might have an eating disorder. Intersectionality is the combination of other identities that make up who one is.

5. The media objectifies women as sexual fantasies. Society uses a term "male gaze" to describe the way men use women to be looked at. Through the point of view of men, this is done by way of artistic processes such as media, commercials, movies and films. You can assume that the way these two women above are dressed can be considered borderline risque and easy on the eyes probably created by male dominance.


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