Monday, May 9, 2016

Lesson 6. Education

Education, for the most part, helps to define who we are and will be as we continue through life. However, the inequalities within the school systems are astonishing. Boys are groomed to be dominant whereas girls are treated second best. Race, class, gender and age all play an important role when positive attention is being distributed. Hopefully, I have been able to shed some light through my interpretation of pictures.

1. Institutions focus their attention on meeting the needs and requirements of  society. This picture symbolizes how institutions see our future. Boys always come out on top and lead whereas girls are seen as the helpers and assistants. Girls, like in this picture are normally the backbone of society; however, society sees it as being solely the helper to get the male in office and achieve his goals. This picture depicts how society views boys and girls, leaders and helpers, therefore, they place most of their attention on boys.

2. This picture depicts social structure because it shows the breaking ground of the ICUE culinary) institute of COC. This symbolizes structure that takes place in order to accomplish our goals. We know that in order to receive a pastry chef certificate one would need to complete the culinary pastry program. In order to do this, there is a structured path that one must follow. Society considers the entire set of institutions as we live our lives because there are specific guidelines we must follow to achieve goals.

3. Elementary school inequalities really exist. Even though girls play the same roles and characters as boys. In actuality, teachers favor boys more because of the stereotypes of gender, race, and class. Teachers are accustomed to teaching boys and girls to train for their appropriate gender role.

4. Feminine socialization suggests that throughout school, women should play roles such as mother's brides, and ballerinas. This thought process gets embedded in ones' head since preschool and through college. Eventually, it sticks and  those who possess feminine qualities chose a profession  within feminine categories. It's almost as though they've been groomed and prepped for these types of jobs for as long as they can remember making it inevitable to deviate from society's norm.

5. Boys and girls are treated differently in school because boys are seen as our dominant future where winners derive from.  They are seen as our next olympian and champions. It is known that boys get called on more than girls. When girls act up in school, they are seen as disobedient whereas when boys act up they are seen as needing more attention and being more assertive. These are examples of boys and girls being treated differently and unequally.

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