1. One Example of selling gender is through the color association such as pink and blue. take a look at these fishing rods and tackle boxes. One says lady Fish, the other just fishing rod and are pink and blue.

2. Electronics got in on the action selling gender specific charging cables to male and female by way of color identity, pink for girls and blue for boys.
3. Companies sell gender by advertising products such as skincare for specific genders. By doing so this captures the attention for whom the products are designed for.
4. Since women are taking on masculine roles, women are seen fixing things around the home. Companies know this; therefore, have created a line of pink duct tape to encourage women to buy.
5. Cars for women with pink decals indicate feminism; however, some car companies suggest they have made being able to navigate through the car's system easier for women. They don't say it but it's implied. Automobile companies are notorious for creating cars with feminine touches for women, but then come back and suggest they make the functions easier and more manageable insinuating women need the assistance and are not as smart as men.
6. Reinforce harmful gender roles can be determinantal to one's appearance and self-esteem. This is an ad that encourages women to fit into society's norm for what women should look like. They use weight loss to look better and fit in. This is not the best way to advertise weight loss.
7. In this ad, Pepsi is sexualizing their products with featuring Beyonce on the can. Companies use this marketing strategy to allure people to purchase their products because sex sells.
8. More selling gender female and male, masculine and feminine
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