Friday, May 6, 2016

Lesson 5. Intimate Relationships and Family

It is well known that women and men take on separate chores within the home. Men usually do outside work and women do inside work. What if both the man and woman work outside the home? What chores are whose? Well as we all can guess a man's job stops when he clocks out and the second shift is just getting started for the woman. Yes, you guessed right, for the most part, women are responsible for taking care of the home by maintaining cleanliness, attending to the children, and ensuring they get fed. Hopefully, the pictures I have gathered during my brief visit to the store and personal pictures will provide insight to how marketing captures what society views as the norm.

1. This product displays a woman engaging in an expressive task. This can be seen as the norm for women because they are considered to be the nurturer and  the caregiver of the children. In other words, they are to play and engage with children along with taking on domestic tasks such as cleaning and cooking.

2. My husband and son are engaging in Instrumental work which consists of working with their hands. They are building a wall organizer in the garage. I would consider this to be an instrumental task because it is having to do with physical outside labor that society associates with males performing chores that are assigned to them by default.

3. In this picture, it alludes to the sexual script of the man portraying dominance and the woman being submissive. Notice that in the picture the woman looks away, this is a sign also to indicate shyness and the man show apart of his face this creates him taking control especially as the woman places all of her confidence in the man that he won't drop her. This picture displays the physical control of the man over the woman while her expression is engulfed with  intimacy. 

4. When I think heterosexism, even though all sexes and genders are welcome now to the military, I think back when heterosexism which means antihomosexual beliefs existed in the organization. I think to a time when homosexuals weren't allowed into the  branches of service. Obviously, now everyone is welcome but still are not fully open arms to the idea for some.

5. In this picture one can assume that this woman has already worked a full shift outside the home, and is now on to her second shift. The shift of caring for the family. This second shift in tells cooking, spending time with the family, and ensuring chores are completed. As depicted by the product, the manufacturers already know that a woman will be using this product to maintain household items. This femininity job is already predestined for her.

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