Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lesson 1. Sociological, Constructs, and Theories

In American society, one connects "male" and "female" with product association, which is displayed in how companies market their products. While visiting a few stores, I was able to analyze and capture who the products are intended for, and why I think this to be true.

1. "Power," can be assumed to be associated with men. One can tell that in Selma, the man is being portrayed as "POWER" because of his placement on the cover as he oversh1adows the others. The American Flag, helps to reinforce his position which symbolizes Power in politics.


2. In this latest issue of Style Watch, "Matriarchy" is being displayed as the women are positioned close together symbolizing unity and strength. They are portraying a system in which women control, and rule within a society.

3. "Symbolic interactionism" can be described as how people interact with each other. In this particular basketball inside game for children, one can automatically see that the manufacturer has marketed it for both boys and girls. However, it is clear that even though both are playing the woman is looking at the boy to reinforce his ability to play. Society associates sports with boys.

4. "Conflict theory" can be unevenly distribution of control, money, and power within males and females. In this Baby Bjorn, the manufacturer markets for both male and female; however you can tell that this would be a "conflict theory" issue because the woman distributes her attention unequally. All of her attention is toward the boy because society tells us that boys will become more successful than females.

5. In a society where men are considered dominant,  "Patriarchy," a system in which men rule and control within a society is prevalent and can be seen on this cover of Expendables 3.  Reminding the American people men still rule.

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