Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Lesson 8. Gender, Crime, and Deviance

While crimes against women are declining, men on men crimes are on the rise. Gender crimes seem to be such as rape, domestic violence, and hate crimes. Today there are many acts of violence that take place and usually have to do with dominance, strength, and inequalities. The struggle of control and gender inequalities is an ongoing battle. Through my pictures, I hope to illustrate why this is occurring. 

1. Society alludes to the fact that violence against women such as rape and battered can be justified because of the lack of clothes they wear. Some myths also state that women "ask for it," or they have made their attacker angry. This is untrue. Some myths suggest that women like it. this too is untrue. Rape victims often have nowhere to go and afraid they will get tracked down they also still have a feeling for their abusers and won't leave.

2. Battered women and men are often in relationships with their abusers (IPV) . These are physical attacks by their intimates. Military, for example, demands respect and control. Often times military personnel become the abuser in relationships because they have a lot of carry over anger issues. They demand respect and need to be in control; therefore, act out of anger if not allowed by their significant other. They are taught that masculinity is being tough and at times violent. 

3. Spousal abuse may not be detected by those outside the home. For many families engaging in spousal abuse, everything on the outside might look like this picture, picture perfect; however; behind closed doors it's a different story. There are several reasons that predict spousal abuse such as alcohol, weapons, military, anger, and the list goes on. 

4. Rape within gendered inequality stems from the diminishing of masculinity of men. For those in areas where women are in control like matriarchy such women of high rankings in the military, men feel inferior because they feel they should be the leader. This creates gendered inequality which puts masculinity to the test. This creates jealousy and provokes hostile and violent behaviors. Also, men will tend to take out their frustrations and aggression on women by raping them.

5. Stalking is also a form of deviant behavior. This picture symbolizes someone stalking without the other person knowing. It is a tactic used to intimidate those to stay in a relationship. What will generally happen is the person will follow the subject without their knowledge, take pictures and send them so they know their being followed. This is done on numerous occasions until the person is scared back into the relationship.

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